Rare Sports Films



Now on DVD and BLU-RAY!

On this new 3 1/2-hour double-disc DVD set are both the pre-game and halftime shows for seven different games, including five with Script Ohio's, as well as the Rose Bowl performance in Pasadena! This was Dr. Jon Woods' first year as director and the Drum Major is Andy Marks. Here are the films you'll see in order, and all are in COLOR! This 2-disc set is also available on BLU-RAY for only $10 extra.

"50 Years of Brass" - OREGON STATE (22-14) - For the 16th annual TBDBITL Alumni Reunion, new OSU Marching Band director Dr. Jon R. Woods conducts the combined OSU and Alumni Bands in playing the National Anthem to begin pre-game. The bands then march in unison to midfield and in a double concert formation, play stadium favorite "Hang On Sloopy". After an exit to the east by the Alumni, the OSU band forms the letters "OSU" facing east while playing the Oregon State fight song to recognize the Ducks and then turns to the west for the playing of Michael Jackson's "Beat It". Forming the letters "OSU" facing west, the band then plays "Across The Field" and exits the field to end pre-game. At halftime the OSUMB enters from the north end of the field playing "Only Time Will Tell". Next, from the movie Flashdance, is played "What A Feeling" while the band is center stage in a revolving double circle drill that finishes in a star at midfield. At this point, the OSUMB moves to the north and south with the Alumni Band entering from the east sideline playing "I Wanna Go Back To Ohio State" and finishing with the date "1929" on the field which then turns to "1934" for a fifty-year recognition of the Eugene J. Weigel band traditions and innovations. Playing "Beautiful Ohio", the Alumni Band then marches into a giant American flag formation for the playing of John Philip Sousa's "Stars and Stripes Forever". Halftime culminates with a quad Script Ohio presentation by both bands and with recently retired band director Dr. Paul Droste and wife Anne having the honor of dotting the "i"! The playing of "Chimes" and "Carmen Ohio" ends the show.

"Hot Wax Countdown" - WASHINGTON STATE (44-0) - After the traditional ramp entrance, the OSUMB plays the W.S.U. fight song while marching upfield and into the letters "WSU" (facing east), saluting the Cougars. Then facing west and playing "Bell of the Blues", the band executes a block band drill. An expanded block "O" is then formed at midfield for the introduction of the 1984 cheerleaders and "Go Bucks" cheer. "Chimes" and "Carmen Ohio" conclude pre-game. At halftime, the band enters from the eastern sideline with the popular '50s tune "Rock Around the Clock" that ends in a double concert formation for the playing of "Proud Mary". A line drill for a Beach Boys Medley is next and a free-form drill for Elvis Presley's "Can't Help Fallin' In Love" finishes with two hearts, each facing an opposite sideline. Then in two company fronts, one near each sideline, the band plays its own crowd favorite pop song to end the show, "Hang On Sloopy".

"The Music of Lionel Richie" - IOWA (45-26) - Pre-game: Ramp entrance, National Anthem, then back upfield on "Fight, Fight, Fight For Iowa" and into an outline of the state of Iowa which surrounds the letters "IOWA" and faces the east side of the stadium. The music segues into "Beautiful Ohio" for a salute to the College of Veterinary Medicine, which is celebrating its centennial year and the band plays "Talk to the Animals". "Ohio, The Heart of it all" is used as travel music and the band forms a USA shield in the center of the field to recognize Ohio's participants in the 1984 summer Olympics. Jerry Page (boxing Gold Medal) and diving Silver Medal winner Kelly McCormick along with 5 others are honored. Script Ohio, performed to salute the Olympians, concludes pre-game. At halftime the band enters the field from both sidelines and after the fanfare, a drill while playing "All Night Long" and another featuring "Running With The Night" begin the show. Next, drum major Andy Marks is featured in the center of the field while the band plays "Truly". "You Are" is played as the final number as the band concludes the halftime show.

"The Buckeye Invitational" - September 29, 1984 - For participants in the annual "Buckeye Invitational" in Ohio Stadium, the Ohio State University Marching Band repeated the Iowa game halftime show from the week before, presenting TBDBITL at its best for hundreds of high schoolers, many of whom had never seen or heard the band perform live previously! Here's your perfect stadium seat from which to watch the band in full dress again present "The Music of Lionel Richie"!

"Stadium Encores" - ILLINOIS (45-38) - (Homecoming) - The National Anthem played by the OSUMB is conducted by James Curnow, director of bands at the University of Illinois. After flag raising, the band plays "Oskee-Wow-Wow" to salute the visiting Illini, then segues into "I Wanna Go Back To Ohio State" while forming a trumpet with the word "JAZZ", in recognition of the '84 Homecoming theme, "Jazz It Up!" At this point, the band kneels at midfield for the traditional pre-game Homecoming ceremonies. Afterward, the band forms a Buckeye leaf and the playing of "Chimes" and "Carmen Ohio" ends pre-game. At halftime the OSUMB enters from the east sideline playing "Children Of Sanchez". The drill ends in a concert formation for the playing of "MacArthur Park". Halftime ends with the "1812 Overture", complete with the sounds of cannon, bells, and chimes.

"Music Of Chicago" - INDIANA (50-7) - Pre-game - Traditional ramp entrance and after the National Anthem, the OSUMB marches north upfield playing "Indiana, Our Indiana" and forms the letters "IU" facing east to salute the Hoosiers. A segue into "Beautiful Ohio" then spells out "UNITED WAY" and standing in formation, the band plays "One Voice" under a P.A. announcement about giving 'your fair share'. Playing "Across the Field" the band then forms the letters OSU and kneels at midfield to accept the prestigious Sudler Trophy, given annually to a college marching band which has demonstrated the highest of musical standards and which has made important contributions to the performance standards of marching bands over a period of years. Ohio State was only the third band to receive the award! Following the ceremony, the playing of "Chimes" and "Carmen Ohio" ends pre-game. At halftime the band enters from the northeast corner of the stadium playing "Beginnings", one of Chicago's earliest hits. Executing a rotation drill, the band next plays "Once In A Lifetime", then a current hit, "Hard Habit To Break" from a concert formation. For a finale, the band performs a line drill and plays two more Chicago favorites, "Make Me Smile" and "25 or 6 to 4", ending halftime.

"Jazz Showcase " - MICHIGAN (21-6) - Presented first is visiting Michigan's pre-game show as the U-M Band enters from the eastern sideline and performs its traditional Entry Announcement, Entry Cadence, and "M" Fanfare followed by "The Victors" fight song, which later segues into a U-M version of "Across the Field" to salute the Buckeyes. Last is played George Duke's "Reach Out" before the band exits to the west sideline playing a chorus of "The Victors". Then the crowd comes alive as all eyes turn to the north end of the stadium for Ohio State's traditional ramp entrance. Professor Eric Becker of Michigan directs the OSUMB in the playing of the National Anthem. The OSUMB then marches back upfield playing "The Victors" and saluting the Wolverines with a block "M" at midfield before swinging into the triple block "O" for the presentation of Script Ohio. The playing of "Chimes" and "Carmen Ohio" at the end of the script ends pre-game. The U-M band opens halftime entering from the eastern sideline and presenting a salute to the 1984 Olympic games. Michigan's show ends with the hit from Chicago, "Hard Habit To Break". The OSUMB also enters from the east sideline with a "Birth Of The Blues" fanfare, then a Linear Graphic Drill playing "Won't You Come Home Bill Bailey". Next is a trumpet feature titled "Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy" featuring Drum Majors Andy Marks and Deve Kessling. Halftime comes to a close as the band plays a driving arrangement of Maleguena.

"Stadium Encores" - ROSE BOWL - SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA (17-20) - Entering from the south end zone ("Buckeye Battle Cry" with a segue to "Fight On") the OSUMB marches to midfield and into the letters USC, saluting Southern Cal. Then into the triple block "O" to present a double Script Ohio, followed by the playing of "Chimes" and "Carmen Ohio". On "Beautiful Ohio" the band then marches into a USA Shield formation for the playing of the National Anthem. For halftime, the band presents one of the best shows from earlier in the season ("Stadium Encores") and plays "Children of Sanchez", "MacArthur Park" and "1812 Overture" with slight modifications.

To order this two-disc set of DVDs of the 1984 Marching Band Season, send $49.95 plus $4.60 shipping and handling! ADD only $10.00 more for BLU-RAY!

1126 Tennyson Lane
Naperville, Illinois 60540
(630) 527-8890

Mastercard and Visa orders are accepted by phone -- Call RARE SPORTSFILMS at (630) 527-8890

NOTE: The 1984 "Skull Session" LP's have also been re-mastered and are now on CD! Play 'em in your car! The 2-disc set (both the '84 season and Mershon Concert) is available for $19.95.

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