Now on DVD and BLU-RAY!
On this new 3 1/2 hour double-disc DVD set are both the pre-game and halftime shows for seven different games, including five with Script Ohio's, as well as the Holiday Bowl performance in San Diego. OSU Marching Band director is Dr. Paul Droste and the drum major is Bruce Hart. Here are the films you'll see in order, and all are in COLOR! This 2-disc set is also available on Blu-Ray for only $10 extra.
"The Greatest Show on Earth" - BAYLOR (21-14) - For the 14th annual TBDBITL Alumni Reunion, conductor Ray Castle directs the combined OSUMB and Alumni Bands in the playing of the National Anthem. For the first time, the Alumni Band marches back up field with the OSUMB ("Beautiful Ohio March"). In block formation the combined bands play "Hang on Sloopy", after which the Alumni Band marches off the field to the east side and the OSUMB continues pre-game with a salute to Baylor, forming "BEARS" while playing the Baylor fight song, then into a Diamond Ohio formation before exiting on "Across the Field". At intermission, the OSUMB from 1981 returns to present highlights from last year's Liberty Bowl show, entering the field from the east side and playing "Pictures at an Exhibition" (Mark Jones & Chris Haines are trumpet soloists). In a concert formation the band plays crowd favorite "Bugler's Holiday" followed by "In the Hall of The Lion King" while executing a line drill. At this point, the Alumni Band enters from the east side of the field ("I Wanna Go Back") as the OSUMB moves over to the north and south end zones. The Alumni continue into a concert block formation, then Director of the OSU School of Music Dr. David Meeker conducts the Alumni in "Robinson's Grand Entry" march. Next, the Alumni Band plays "Brass Roots" from a trumpet formation. To climax the show, the combined bands form four Script Ohio's, each facing a different direction in the stadium. "Chimes" and "Carmen Ohio" are played while the bands remain in the script, ending halftime.
"The Greatest Show on Earth" - A different perspective on the Reunion pre-game and halftime shows including ground-level close ups and most of the locally televised coverage - from videotape!
"Broadway Showstoppers" - STANFORD (20-23) - Pre-game: Ramp entrance, "Star Spangled Banner" and after flag raising, the newly selected 1982 OSUMB plays "Come Join the Band" and forms an "S" to salute Stanford, then segues into "Across the Field" for a block band drill during which "Beautiful Ohio" is played. After that on drum taps into a block "O" formation for the introduction of the '82 cheerleaders and "Go Bucks" cheer, then "Hang on Sloopy". The band ends pre-game by forming an OSU monogram, then exits on drum taps. At halftime the band enters the field from the north and both sidelines, then marches south playing "New York, New York", and ending in a concert formation for the playing of "Tomorrow". Next, while preforming a precision drill, the band plays "Ease on Down the Road". This ends in a concert formation for the playing of "It Don't Mean a Thing". The final show number is "On Broadway", played while the band forms a diamond and two stars with "OSU" in the middle of the design. Halftime ends with the band performing its own showstopper of the last 46 years - the incomparable Script Ohio!
"The Music of Diana Ross" - FLORIDA STATE (17-34) After the traditional flag raising, the band welcomes Florida State fans by playing the Florida State fight song and forming a slanting "FSU" facing east, then music segues to "Beautiful Ohio" as the band moves into a concert formation for drum major Bruce Hart and the playing of "Rosanna". "Across the Field" brings the band into a double O H I O formation and the playing of "Chimes" and "Carmen Ohio" ends pre-game. At halftime the band enters diagonally from the northeast corner and while playing "Mirror, Mirror" uses a drill marching south across the field to end in a diagonal crisscross formation. From there, utilizing a kaleidoscopic drill, the band plays "I Hear a Symphony" and ends in a concert formation from which is played the "Theme from Mahogany". Halftime ends with the playing of a medley of other songs made popular by - Diana Ross!
"OSU Goes Country and Western" - PURDUE (38-6) - (Homecoming) - Following the traditional ramp entrance and playing of the National Anthem, the band marches back up field playing two choruses of "Hail Purdue" while spelling out PURDUE facing the east side of the stadium. A segue into "Beautiful Ohio" brings the band to form a crown for the annual homecoming festivities at midfield (not shown). When Homecoming ceremonies end, the band ends pre-game with Script Ohio. At halftime, the band enters the field from the eastern sideline playing "Wabash Cannonball", marching in four company fronts then forming a railroad engine, complete with turning wheels and white "smoke" billowing from the smokestack! The band then marches into a set of four revolving, expanding and contracting circles for "Dueling Percussion". Soon a face is formed and during the playing of "Elvira", the facial expressions change. The band forms a jug for moonshine with a glass to be filled as the band plays "Rocky Top", and "Mountain Dew". After this, the band salutes their favorite Greyhound bus driver, Ken Feasel, who has been driving busses with the band for 28 years. Playing "On the Road Again", and with Feasel driving a golf cart within the formation of the bus, the band and Feasel finish the show, driving off the north end of the field for an end-zone concert for the students.
"Big Bands, Little Bands" - MINNESOTA (35-10) - The Buckeyes are hosting the University of Minnesota Marching Band, so conducting the OSUMB for the National Anthem is Prof. O'Neill Sanford, Director of the Minnesota Marching Band. After flag raising, the OSUMB marches back up field playing "Minnesota Rouser" and forming the outline of the state of Minnesota facing the east stands. The music then segues into the "Beautiful Ohio" march, as the band presents a double concert formation for the playing of "Eye of The Tiger". While playing "Across the Field", the band then forms a large "OSU" for the playing of "Chimes" and "Carmen Ohio", ending the pre-game show. The OSUMB enters the field from the east sideline at halftime executing an entrance drill and playing "Do, I Do". After that, the band executes a circle drill featuring Buddy Rich's "Dancing Men". A concert feature is next and "Rock That" from Earth, Wind & Fire is performed. Halftime ends with the playing of "Still" by the Commodores.
"Proud To Be An American" - MICHIGAN (24-14) - Pre-game features the ramp entrance and National Anthem for flag raising. The traditional Michigan home pre-game show had not changed noticeably over the years: Back up the field on two choruses of "The Victors" to form a block "M" facing east, segue into a chorus of "Across the Field" to form the triple block "O" and Script Ohio performed before the most hyped-up enthusiastic crowd of the season! "Chimes" and "Carmen Ohio" played in the Script end pre-game. Halftime begins with the visiting U of M marching band's halftime show and music played for this game includes "In the Stone", "Love Me tomorrow" and "Hollywood". The OSUMB enters the field for halftime from the east sideline playing "The Liberty Bell" march by Sousa. The band soon forms the outline of the Liberty Bell, complete with crack, and which sways back & forth along with a clapper! On "Three Camps" drum cadence, an announcement is made and the band next plays "Yankee Doodle", then segues into "This Land is Your Land" and an outline of the USA is formed. Then, with the reading of JFK's "ask what you can do for your country" speech and the band playing "America, the Beautiful", two stars are formed on each side of a shield at mid-field and a red, white and blue banner is rolled out. To further climax the show, balloons are released from a large box on the field and float skyward carrying an American flag upward, out of the stadium, concluding the show!
"Proud To Be An American" - HOLIDAY BOWL - BRIGHAM YOUNG (47-17) - Entering from the North end of each sideline ("Buckeye Battle Cry") the OSUMB marches into a double concert formation facing each side of the field for the playing of "Hang on Sloopy". The band then forms the triple block "O" and a Double Script Ohio ends the pre-game show. The spectacular halftime show from the Michigan game a month earlier is repeated at this game to an appreciative and enthusiastic San Diego crowd.
Holiday Bowl OSU football highlights are presented here as a "bonus" on this DVD. Titled "Glad Tidings", it is narrated by John Facenda, the famed voice of NFL Films.
To order this two-disc set of DVDs of the 1982 Marching Band Season, send $49.95 plus $4.00 shipping and handling. Add $10 for Blu-Ray.
1126 Tennyson Lane
Naperville, Illinois 60540
(630) 527-8890 |
Mastercard and Visa orders are accepted by phone -- Call RARE SPORTSFILMS at (630) 527-8890
NOTE: The 1982 "Skull Session" LP's have also been re-mastered and are now on CD! The 2-disc set
(both the '82 season and Mershon Concert) is available for $24.95. Play 'em in your car!
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