Now on DVD!
On this new 2-hour double-disc DVD set are five pre-game shows, three Script Ohio's, Michigan's halftime show in Columbus, and complete OSUMB halftime shows for the Syracuse, Minnesota, Michigan and Fiesta Bowl games! OSU Marching Band director is Dr. Paul Droste and the drum major is Oliver McGee. Here are the films you'll see in order, and all are in COLOR!
"A Salute To Ohio" - SYRACUSE (31-21) - for the 12th Annual TBDBITL Alumni Reunion Richard Heine directs the National Anthem. "SU" is formed to the east stands saluting Syracuse with "Down The Field". "Knock On Wood" is played while Oliver McGee is featured at mid-field during his first game as drum major. Then playing "Across The Field", the band forms the letters OSU and marches off the field, ending pre-game. At halftime the OSUMB enters from the east sideline performing a flashback drill and playing "Children of Sanchez". Forming two circles, the band next plays "Gee, Officer Krupke", then marches to both end zones as the Alumni Band enters from the east playing "I Wanna Go Back" while forming a large block "OHIO" from which "Beautiful Ohio" (waltz) is played. To climax the show, the combined bands form four script Ohios, each facing a different direction in the stadium. "Carmen Ohio" is played while the bands remain in the script, ending the show.
"Scouting, The Better Life" - MINNESOTA (47-0) - Pre-game: Ramp entrance, "Star Spangled Banner" and after flag raising, the playing of "Minnesota Rouser" to salute the Gophers while marching into a block "M". Next the band marches into a monogram "O" inside a box before the 1980 cheerleaders are introduced. Then the band presents the "Go, Bucks, Go" band cheer with the cheerleaders before finishing with "Hang On Sloopy". "Chimes" and "Carmen Ohio" end pre-game. At halftime the band enters the field in company fronts from the east side playing "You're a Grand Old Flag" and forming into four circles, then lines, pinwheels and finally four company fronts in the middle of the field. "The Trolley Song" is played during a clever skit with a Boy Scout helping a "lil' old lady" across a busy street (remember, scouts try to do a good turn daily). Another precision drill is executed while the band plays "Alexander's Ragtime Band" and marches into the Scout Emblem "America The Beautiful". The Scout Oath and the Pledge of Allegiance are then recited to the crowd. Playing "The Stars And Stripes Forever", the band then forms an eagle symbol inside the ring of scouts as a patriotic banner is unfurled on the field, climaxing the show.
"Jesse Owens, Ambassador of Sports" - UCLA (0-17) - (Pre-game only) - First the traditional ramp entrance, "Star Spangled Banner", then the playing of "Sons of Westwood" to salute the Bruins ("UCLA" facing east), and next into a concert formation for the playing of the Imperial March from "The Empire Strikes Back". Oliver McGee's twirling artistry is featured near mid-field at the top of the formation. An "O" pennant is then formed for the Go Bucks cheer, then the playing of "Chimes" and "Carmen Ohio" ends pre-game.
"The Swinging Saints" - MICHIGAN (3-9) - Pre-game features the ramp entrance and National Anthem, directed by Dr. H. Robert Reynolds, Director of Bands at the University of Michigan (the UM band always makes the trip to Columbus). The OSUMB then marches up field into an east facing block "M" while playing "The Victors", then seguaing into "Across The Field" for the march into the revolving triple-block "O" for Script Ohio. Both band's performances are shown at halftime. Entering the field first of course, is the Michigan Marching Band which plays The Imperial March from "The Empire Strikes Back", "The Ballad of Billy The Kid" and "One Fine Morning". Later, the OSUMB steps off from the west sidelines ("South Rampart Street Parade") executing a flashback drill, which ends in a double concert formation for the playing of the gospel-rock tune called "Brass Roots", during which drum major Oliver McGee is featured. Next is played the music of a New Orleans Jazz Funeral - both before and after! Two formed circles then change into rays during the playing of "Just a Closer Walk With Thee" and then "When The Saints Go Marching In". After the playing of "Across the Field" the band then exits on drum taps.
"The Buckeye Parade" - THE FIESTA BOWL - PENN STATE (19-31) - Entering from the north end zone ("Buckeye Battle Cry"), the band marches into a double concert formation to play "Hang On Sloopy". The band then strikes up "Across the Field" while marching into a Diamond Ohio for the playing of "Chimes" and "Carmen Ohio", which ends the pre-game show. At halftime, the band enters from the west sideline, plays "South Rampart Street Parade" and marches into a double concert formation. Then during the playing of "Brass Roots", swirling blocks move. Next, during the playing of The Imperial March from "The Empire Strikes Back", the band moves into a precision drill which ends in three elaborate circles. The band ends the Fiesta Bowl Halftime show playing "Le Regiment de Sambre et Meuse" and performing Script Ohio.
To order this two-disc set of DVDs covering the 1980 Marching Band season, send $49.95 plus $4.00 shipping and handling. Add $10 for Blu-Ray.
1126 Tennyson Lane
Naperville, Illinois 60540
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Call RARE SPORTSFILMS at (630) 527-8890
NOTE: The 1980 "Skull Sessions" have also been re-mastered and are now on CD! The 2-disc set (both the ’80 season and Mershon Concert) is available for $24.95. Play 'em in your car!
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