Now on DVD!
In 1977, a new talent burst on the stadium scene which would amaze and thrill Buckeye fans for the next three seasons. New Drum Major Dwight Hudson made his debut with the ramp entrance on occasion of the 9th annual TBDBITL Alumni Reunion, which also presented the first ever "Quad Script Ohio" in Ohio Stadium at halftime! This dual set of discs contains almost four hours of footage, including most pre-game shows and every halftime show from the 1977 season! In addition, the 1978 Sugar Bowl performance and a special color film spotlighting Hudson during the Purdue game is presented. Here are the films shown, in order.
"Four of a Kind" - MIAMI (10-0) - 9th Annual TBDBITL Alumni Reunion - Former OSUMB directors Dr. Charles L. Spohn (1964-1969) and Prof. Jack O. Evans (1952-1963) direct the pre-game National Anthem and halftime playing of Carmen Ohio respectively. 'Theme from S.W.A.T.', 'Eli's Coming' and 'It's a Small World' are played by TBDBITL. Then the Alumni take the field on 'Osumblues' and also play 'Baby Face', and 'Round On The Ends' before the Quad Script is performed.
"Four of a Kind" - A different perspective on the Reunion Halftime show, including ground level close ups and most of the locally televised coverage from videotape - in color!
"Men of the Scarlet and Gray" - MINNESOTA Halftime (38-7) - Band enters from the north end zone on 'March Grandioso' and also plays a sports medley, 'Bugler's Dream' and 'I Wanna Go Back' before the first class of inductees to the new Ohio State University Sports Hall of Fame are introduced to the stadium crowd. Following the special ceremony at midfield, halftime concludes with Script Ohio.
"Big Screen, Little Screen" - OKLAHOMA Halftime (28-29) - At halftime of one of the epic games in OSU football history, the band enters with 'Ali Bombaye', does a step two drill to the theme from 'Charley's Angels', forms a star for the playing of the theme from 'Star Wars' and finishes with the theme from 'Rocky' to climax the show.
"Songs in the Key of Life" (Stevie Wonder) - PURDUE (46-0) - After the traditional flag-raising ceremony, the band honors visiting Purdue with 'Hail, Purdue'. The pre-game show is a salute to the 4-H clubs of America, with formations of 2 Cents, 4 H's, a Map of Ohio and Four Leaf Clovers, while playing 'We've Only Just Begun', 'Beautiful Ohio', and 'I'm Looking Over a Four Leaf Clover'. 'Chimes' and 'Carmen Ohio' conclude pre-game. Halftime numbers played include 'You Are the Sunshine of My Life' (and fanfare), 'All in Love is Fair', 'Sir Duke', 'I Wish' and 'Living For The City'. One of the spectacular performances of the year by Drum Major Dwight Hudson!
Spotlight on Drum Major Dwight Hudson - (Purdue Game) - New Drum Major Dwight Hudson's athleticism and twirling skill were becoming more and more recognized as the season progressed. On October 8 (home game #4), a WBNS Channel 10 camera crew shot color film of Hudson for use in the planned half-hour TV special "Dwight". This film features close ups of him throughout the day, beginning at Skull Sessions in St. John Arena.
'OSU at the Movies' - WISCONSIN (42-0) - (Homecoming) - After the traditional flag raising and National Anthem, the band salutes the Badgers with 'On, Wisconsin', then forms a crown 'You Don't Have To Be a Star To Be In My Show' at midfield for the Homecoming ceremony (Queen Susanne Stevens). The playing of 'Chimes' and 'Carmen Ohio' concludes pre-game. The band opens halftime with an RKO fanfare, does a drill to 'That's Entertainment', plays 'Tara's Theme' from a concert formation, then forms a clock for the re-enactment of the famous shootout from 'High Noon'. Fanfare from 'Rocky' and 'A Star Is Born' medley precede the climax of the show - the performance of Script Ohio from a formation of a movie camera!
"Beatlemania" - INDIANA (35-7) - Pre-game: After flag raising, the band salutes the Hoosiers with 'Indiana, Our Indiana', and performs Script Ohio for the final time at Ohio Stadium in '77. 'Chimes' and 'Carmen Ohio' conclude pre-game. At halftime, the band salutes The Beatles, playing 'Eleanor Rigby', a Beatles Medley, and 'Norwegian Wood'. The playing of 'Hey Jude' concludes the show.
"Holiday For Brass" (Sugar Bowl Pre-game and Halftime Performances) - ALABAMA (6-35) - Pre-game: The OSU band enters from the east sideline on 'Buckeye Battle Cry' then segues into 'Yea Alabama' while forming an "A" in salute to the University of Alabama. The theme from 'Star Wars' is then played in a concert formation. Next, the band plays 'Hang On Sloopy' before forming a Diamond Ohio for the playing of 'Chimes' and 'Carmen Ohio'. The pre-game show ends with the combined bands forming the letters "USA" on the field for the singing of the National Anthem by soloist Gordon MacRae. At halftime, the OSU band enters from both sidelines playing 'Ali Bombaye'. In a geometric drill, the band plays a Beatles Medley, then in a concert formation, plays 'Echano'. The halftime show concludes with a performance of Script Ohio, the "i" being dotted by John Holsinger. Color!
To order this two-disk set of DVDs covering the entire 1977 Marching Band season, send only $49.95 plus $4.00 shipping and handling to:
1126 Tennyson Lane
Naperville, Illinois 60540
(630) 527-8890 |
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