Now on DVD!
In 1976, the final expansion of the band took place, making for a 192-piece band on the field. With the help of alternates, the newly expanded band performed its first Double Script during the Homecoming postgame show. Shown also is the 8th annual TBDBITL Alumni Reunion. Ohio State welcomed three visiting college bands in 1976, and their halftime shows are included. Footage from all home halftime shows and some pregame shows, plus color video from the NBC coverage of the Orange Bowl halftime show, is included on this double-disk set of DVDs of the 1976 Ohio State Marching Band led by Drum Major Doug Secrist.
"Stars, Stripes 'N Brass" - MICHIGAN STATE (49-21) - Former OSUMB director Dr. Manley R. Whitcomb (1939-1942 and 1946-1951) directs the pre-game National Anthem. The occasion of the eighth annual TBDBITL Alumni Band Reunion also honors Eugene J. Weigel as Ziggy Coyle makes an on-field halftime presentation to the Weigel family. "Son of a Preacher Man", "Saturday in the Park" and "25 or 6 to 4" are played by TBDBITL before the Alumni take the field on "This Land is Your Land" and also play "God Bless America", "You're A Grand Old Flag" and "The Stars and Stripes Forever" before the stadium crowd is treated to the fourth ever Triple Script Ohio! "Sound of the Campus Chimes" and the playing of "Carmen Ohio" end the halftime show.
"Buckeye Bandstand" - MISSOURI (21-22) - The "Marching Mizzou" band’s half show celebrates the Summer Olympic games in which both Spinks brothers of St. Louis won gold medals in boxing, and finishes with the famous "Floating Mizzou Tigers". The OSUMB begins its half show with a drill ("Theme From S.W.A.T") then executes a kaleidoscope drill with "Don't Go Breaking My Heart". Performing a circle drill, the band next plays "Baby Face" before a pattern drill ends the show ("Proud Mary").
"Stadium Favorites" - UCLA (10-10) - After the traditional flag raising, the band opens pre-game by forming a script "UCLA" ("Sons of Westwood") to the east stands, then faces west for a dance drill to "The Boogie". Next is the United Way logo for a public service announcement ("Little By Little") before the band ends pre-game in an "OSU" formation and playing "Across The Field". The "OSU Antiphonal Fanfare" begins the halftime show on the east side and the band enters the field with an arc entrance ("I Wanna Go Back"). "Osumblues" is played while performing a line drill, then a double concert formation is used for the playing of "The Big Band Sound of Fight The Team". "Hang On Sloopy" is always a stadium favorite, especially with the students, but nothing can compare to Script Ohio! Following the dotting of the "i" by Todd Brooks, the playing of the "Sound of the Campus Chimes and Carmen Ohio" ends the show.
"The World Of Disney" (Homecoming) PURDUE (24-3) - Purdue’s "All-American Marching Band" opens halftime with a patriotic show summarizing the nation’s history and celebrating America’s 200th birthday. The Ohio State halftime show opens with an entrance from the north end zone and the band playing "Zippety-Do-Dah", then forming the face of Mickey Mouse while playing and singing the "Mickey Mouse March". In a double concert formation the band plays "When You Wish Upon A Star". For a skit, three houses are formed and the band plays "Who’s Afraid Of The Big, Bad Wolf", as "Woody Hayes" appears at the third house to rescue the Three Little Pigs! To end the show, a star is formed as the band plays "It’s a Small World". An announcement is made that Script Ohio will be performed for the homecoming crowd immediately following the game. Later, as the Victory Bell tolls, alternates along with the new 192-piece band present the first OSUMB Double Script Ohio!
"Got The Spirit" - ILLINOIS (42-10) - After the traditional flag-raising ceremony, the band honors visiting Illinois with "Oskee-Wow-Wow". While still in an "ILLINI" formation facing East, the band plays "Where Are You Going to?" before forming a "Diamond Ohio" for the playing of "Chimes and Carmen Ohio". At halftime the band features the music of Maynard Ferguson and enters from the north end zone with "Got The Spirit" and marches up field in a line drill playing "Give It One". Next is a step-two drill for "Eli’s Coming", then a concert formation for the playing of "Chameleon". Featured in the center of the field is freshman Assistant Drum Major Dwight Hudson making his official twirling debut in Ohio Stadium. His perfect performance brings down the crowd! Afterward, the band executes a line-block drill while playing "The Roach". The show finale is a trumpet formation with the initials "M" and "F" for the playing of Ferguson’s most popular and requested song, "MacArthur Park". The band then forms the name "VIC" in the middle of the field for the halftime ceremony honoring Ohio State’s 1950 Heisman Trophy winner and All-American Vic Janowicz, who is soon to be inducted into the National Football Foundation and Hall of Fame. OSU Athletic Director Ed Weaver, John W. Galbreath, Dick Kazmaier and OSU President Harold Enarson make the presentation and Janowicz thanks the crowd.
"Thank You, Music Lovers" - MICHIGAN (0-22) - Shown are the halftime performances of both bands. UM plays "Bolero", "American Salute" and "Theme From Rollerball". OSUMB enters from the eastern sideline ("Promenade Fanfare"), executes a line drill ("A Fifth of Beethoven"), forms a revolver ("William Tell Overture"), and forms a racetrack ("Dance of the Hours") for a skit. Three "horses" ("Lone Ranger", USC’s "Traveler" and "Woody Hayes on the long shot") race around the track. "Woody" overtakes the others at the finish and wins, much to the delight of the OSU fans! The halftime show culminates with the "1812 Overture", complete with several firing cannons!
"The Buckeye Brass" (Orange Bowl Halftime Performance) - COLORADO (27-10) - Here is the OSU halftime show from video as shown on NBC color television. The performance consists of segments from three different shows from the '76 season. The OSUMB enters the field from the north end zone playing "Theme From S.W.A.T.", then performs a step-two drill to "Eli’s Coming". For the finale ("It’s A Small World") the band forms two revolving circles, which then become three, and finally finish in a star. In the center of the star a crowd-pleasing twirling routine by Dwight Hudson climaxes the show!
To order this two-disk set of DVDs covering the entire 1976 Marching Band season, send only $49.95 plus $4.00 shipping and handling to:
Write: |
1126 Tennyson Lane
Naperville, Illinois 60540
(630) 527-8890
NOTE: The 1976 "Skull Session" LP's have also been re-mastered and are now on CD! The 2-disk set (both the '76 season and Mershon Concert) is available for $24.95. Play them in your car!
All profits from the sale of these OSU Marching Band DVDs and CD's go to the TBDBITL Alumni Club.
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