GAME #2 Full Game TV Broadcast
The actual TV broadcast of an entire vintage World Series game can now be seen again on DVD, thanks to the film restoration expertise of Rare Sportsfilms! Every pitch of Game Two of the 1957 World Series is shown on this new 2-hour, 17 minute DVD. The DVD includes a special menu which allows you to watch the game while selecting EITHER the TV audio with veteran TV broadcaster Al Helfer and the Yankees' Mel Allen, or the radio call by Bob Neal and Braves broadcaster Earl Gillespie! In addition, three of the original Gillette shaving commercials are included, all featuring major league stars of the day!
In this game, Yankee southpaw Bobby Shantz is matched up against Braves righthander Lew Burdette at Yankee Stadium, New York! "Be there" once again in front of your B & W TV set 60 years later, as this historic game begins! This nostalgic DVD brings back all the memories of those early televised World Series games and baseball as it was played over half a century ago!
Live TV broadcasts from before 1965 are extremely rare. Only seven complete game baseball broadcasts from pre-1965 are known to exist and all are World Series games. The two oldest are stored in the Museum of Broadcasting in NYC. The others are in our private collection! Because each complete game required at least five reels of kinescope film, the reels were easily lost and scattered, so when a TV broadcast did show up, it was always one or two reels (an inning or two) at best. What a treat nowadays to be able to again see this complete game from the 1957 World Series!
To get your own copy of this rare kinescope now available on DVD for the first time ever, send $29.95 plus $4.00 for shipping and handling.
(Illinois residents must add $2.25 sales tax)
1126 Tennyson Lane
Naperville, Illinois 60540
(630) 527-8890
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