1934 and 1935
Here's a real smorgasbord for the 1930's baseball fan, especially Detroit Tiger fans! This 1-hour, 37-minute DVD consists almost entirely of footage from 1934 and 1935 - more ’34-‘35 baseball material than has ever been available before on one DVD! Composed of five segments, this program shows five different films on 1934-35 baseball: “Play Ball” by the American League, "Those Tigers" (the ballclub and their '34 pennant-winning season), the 1934 World Series (Cardinals vs Tigers), the 1935 World Series (Tigers vs Cubs) and a special Interview with Charlie Gehringer, all on this one DVD!
The first 32 minutes of this DVD is the 1934 American League film "Play Ball". Commissioner Judge Landis proudly introduces the film as the first sound film ever produced by Major League Baseball! The star players of the American League are shown, often in instructional segments. This page could be easily filled by simply describing the contents of this first film alone! Except for Griffith Stadium, all American League ballparks of the day are shown, including old League Park in Cleveland, and Navin Field, Detroit! All of the following players are shown at least once in this film, many in nice closeup shots: Red Ruffing, Ted Lyons, Lefty Grove, Mel Harder, Tommy Bridges, Wes & Rick Ferrell, Schoolboy Rowe, Charlie Gehringer, Al Simmons, Jimmy Dykes, Rogers Hornsby, Lou Gehrig, Jimmy Foxx, Hank Greenberg, Oscar Melillo, Dib Williams, Eric McNair, Earl Averill, Babe Ruth, Joe Sewell, Sam Rice, Willie Kamm, Connie Mack, Jackie Hayes, Jo Jo White, Mickey Cochrane, Luke Sewell, Ben Chapman, Bill Werber, Johnny Burnett and Dave Harris.
The next 10-minute segment on this program is the film "Those Tigers", produced in Detroit during that memorable summer of 1934. Somewhat of a highlight film, it opens with the naming of Mickey Cochrane as new manager of the Tigers during the winter. Mickey speaks about his forecast of the season ahead. The film then follows the team from Opening Day at Navin Field thru the season and even includes clips of Ty Tyson and Harold True at the microphone broadcasting a ballgame! Fabulous shots of old Navin Field are shown throughout the film, and all of the Tiger stars of 1934 are shown: Eldon Auker, Fred Marberry, Tommy Bridges, Chief Hogsett, Vic Sorrell, Luke Hamlin, Schoolboy Rowe, Charlie Gehringer, Goose Goslin, Jo Jo White, Hank Greenberg, Rudy York, Billy Rogell, Marvin Owen, Ray Hayworth, Gee Walker, Pete Fox and Frank Doljack.
The 1934 World Series (Tigers vs Cardinals) is next, with the exciting N.L. pennant race touched on briefly, then the highlights of the series (19-minutes). Most of the coverage is of games 1, 2 and 7 at Detroit, although there are some clips from Sportsman's Park, also. Included are Dizzy Dean's "beaning" at second base in game 4, and the Joe Medwick/Marv Owen spiking incident in game 7. Altogether, more 1934 World Series footage has been assembled here than has ever been seen on one DVD before!
The next 22 minutes is the 1935 World Series (Tigers vs Cubs). Highlights of every game are shown as well as the heroes on both sides: Mickey Cochran, Schoolboy Rowe, Tommy Bridges, Jo Jo White, Marv Owen, Eldon Auker, Pete Fox, Flea Clifton, Goose Goslin, Al Crowder and Billy Rogell of the Tigers and Augie Galan, Fred Lindstrom, Lon Warneke, Charlie Root, Larry French, Billy Jurges, Bill Lee, Stan Hack, Tex Carleton and rookie Phil Cavarretta of the Cubs. Billy Herman, Larry Demaree, Chuck Klein, Gabby Hartnett and Hank Greenberg all hit home runs and also shown is the injury that knocked Hank out of the Series! Included as bonus footage prior to the series is a vintage Standard Oil commercial from 1935 featuring ex-Cub pitcher Guy Bush and umpire Red Ormsby!
The final 14 minutes is a rare 1953 interview by sportscaster Marty Glickman with one of the stars of the 1930’s Detroit Tigers, Charlie Gehringer. Charlie talks about his career, his election to baseball’s Hall Of Fame and looks back on the 1935 World Series 18 years later!
Get all of this rare 1934 and 1935 baseball footage now on DVD! Send $29.95 plus $4.00 shipping.
(Illinois residents must add $2.00 sales tax) to:
1126 Tennyson Lane,
Naperville, IL 60540
(630) 527-8890
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